Friday, May 17, 2013

Impatience at inertia..

So I promised an update after the Doctor's appointment.. But there unfortunately wasn't that much to update!  For those who missed yesterday's figures - my platelet count is currently 132 (150-400 being normal)  and my red blood count was 116 (130-170 being normal) .   Both figures are good and it's good that they're improving at the rate they are, however it's that latter figure that needs to come up - I'm slightly anaemic and it is energy draining.  Being on the high doses of prednisilone messes with sleep patterns, which adds to that as well! The doctor has begun to lower the steroid dose, and provided my counts stay stable to continue.. However I was told this morning that it is likely to be 3 - 6 months before I'm off them completely.

The Doctor is organising the necessary immunisations in case I need to have the Splenectomy, however with the lack of any other indicator, she believes the cause of all of this to be viral, and that over time my spleen should return to normal size on its own and surgery be avoided.   At today's appointment doing the abdominal exams I came to love so much while in hospital, she could still feel it however.. So it's that awful waiting game.. As has so often been the issue with this journey - any previous health issues have had a clear path - diagnosis, treatment, recovery.. But with the gaps in diagnosis, the treatment is symptom management and the recovery timeline uncertain.

So that's the latest.. From here I have weekly blood tests on a Thursday, and a follow up appointment in a fortnight.. Hopefully at which point I'll have reduced my steroids and pain killers to a level where I can consider at least some part time work.   It won't happen soon enough to avoid some serious issues approaching due to the financial strains.. And that's a whole 'nother source of stress.. :(

Will keep y'all updated.. :)

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