Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I Chronicles 12:32 NIV

from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do—200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command; (NIV, YouVersion)

Going into tonight's Federal Budget, I already knew there wouldn't be much for me to cheer about it.  I'm well aware of the circumstances in which I live.  We are not in as bad a position as some would have us believe, but by reacting out of that, we almost have created a self-fulfilling prophesy..

But I'm not an economist, and that's going to be as far as I delve into that area!

There are no secrets on how difficult it has been since we moved back from Mount Gambier to Adelaide, workwise.  I've had all sorts of spectacularly disappointing let downs, but I've had some great opportunities as well, to do things I didn't think I'd ever get the chance - I've worked for Federal Government, Local Government, a few other bits and pieces in between, and up until my recent health scare, was happy in a role that for a long time I thought could turn into something more permanent, only for it not to happen, and not for lack of effort on my part.  I also felt I'd built up a lot of momentum in that role that would've carried me forward into a new opportunity, only to have that dashed by my recent change of health.

I've had more than one person making sure I'm all up with Centrelink, and yes, I'm grateful that we live in a country where social security is a reality.  Right now, I'm exempted from my obligations on health grounds.  But I've never done anything to be simply compliant.

No one should ever be dependant on the Government to get by.  In days gone by, you could count on family, friends, even your employer when things are hard.  Temporary difficulties would be tackled as a community and overcome.  It's not so much the case any more, for a number of reasons.

I know I have to be careful what I say, but those that have taken the time to get to know our circumstances react very differently to those who hear the dot points and make assumptions.

And right now, assumptions aren't our friend.

They rarely are anyone's.


  1. Contract work is always difficult, especially when you put your everything into having it extended. It is really hard to take it on the chin (or whatever the saying is), especially when you know that you're leaving behind some excellent work, made changes, etc etc. This has basically been my life of the last few years, so I know how easy it is to take it personally. I've just had to accept that a) God is in control and b) that I will be provided for by Him. Some people may think it is a bit of a joke, but the right thing in terms of housing and work has always came along for me, sometimes at the 11th hour. On the other hand, I know people in similar situations to me who are really struggling. I don't have all the answers, and honestly, sometimes it is hard to know how to help without hurting someone's pride.

    Assumptions are really frustrating - we have been told so many times we shouldn't be renting ad we should own a house by now... by people who live at home. We don't have permanent jobs. we don't know where we will be living year to year. The expectations of people never seem to surprise me anymore, and this assumption that somehow we will be kept on, or give a permanent job is ridiculous, they're not handed out on silver platters.

    Sorry, I just talked about myself for a whole few hundred words! What I'm trying to say is, please don't feel that you're the only one who gets stuck, or unstuck with things - each of us do in our own circumstances.

    tl;dr: Hang tough, God is bigger than our situation. That's not practical, but it is Biblical.

  2. I am trying.. It isn't so much me I'm worried about.. It's the family..
