Monday, February 14, 2011

The Politics of Religion, and the Religion of Politics..

There are two things I love to talk about in day to day life.. The only problem? They're the two things that you're told not to talk about!  Such a spectrum exists in both areas, both are dominated by conflicting ideologies and it's no surprise that no two people 100% agree on any one issue.

But I've really started to notice the similarities in both fields.  Politics, in its purist form, is supposed to be representatives coming together to create a better world for all.  Religion, in my case Christianity, is supposed to be about unity, and that being the place God says He will "command the blessing": make stuff work!

Unfortunately lately, the focus ends up on what divides, not what unites.  It's become about not rocking the boat too much, despite the fact the boat in so many cases is sinking... 

Is it time for a revolution?

I got introduced some time ago to the "change continuum".. I'm simplifying here, 'cause I don't even know all the ins and outs of it.. but I know that in the scheme of things, I'm an "early adopter".. I like change, I might not be the change agent, but if I support the idea, I'm usually pretty quick to jump on board.  At the polar opposite of that is the "late adopter", and then those who don't want change at all.

But it's the one certainty in life.  That, and taxes..

I belong to a global church movement that has as one of its core belief statements that it "will do the things no one is doing to reach the people no one is reaching". 

I had someone I know involved in the ministry state that local churches weren't growing.

Begs then, the question.. What are you doing differently?

The first step in any situation is to recognise an issue is an issue.

The next is to do something about it.  Pray harder, definitely, but get moving.  God can steer a moving boat, but he won't necessarily push it off the shore.

..... And I'll deal with that other dirty word next time...

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