Monday, February 14, 2011

By way of introduction..

So this is kinda new.. but i felt like creating a space to express views that have sometimes not gone over so well in Facebook status updates..

So who am I?  I'm a 28 year old Father of 2 boys, married to a beautiful woman..  I live in a bigger country town with delusions of being a city.. a place where potential is exponential, but matched only by conservatism and fear of change..  last election saw 16 candidates stand for 10 positions, and only 3 changed hands.. 

I am Christian, believe in God and the Church, both locally and globally..  I think there are a lot of things the Church has become that it was never meant to, at the expense of the simple Gospel that Jesus taught..  if he wanted saints, the disciples would've been found in the temple..  he wanted sinners, so he got fishermen and tax collectors..  says a lot to modern concepts of religion!

So much of what I used to define myself has ebbed and flowed over the past few years.. I love politics and social justice, coffee and making music.. but above all that, I love my family!

Whenever you meet someone new, the inevitable question gets asked.. what do you do?  Because that somehow defines us..  I'm a youth worker and a service station attendant..  make of that what you will!

So I'll vent here.. some will be entertained, some bored.. some infuriated and some supportive..  but no one is forcing you to read and engage.. ;)

Til next time..


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