Tuesday, February 15, 2011

... The Religion of Politics...

A few weeks ago now, a friend of mine, not Christian, made a statement about the Bible that I actually agreed with -
To most christians the bible is like a software agreement. they dont actually read it, they just go to the end and hit "I Agree"..
And lately, I've seen the same with politics.  We enter the booth at an election day, and put 1-5 in order of preference, without actually really seeing what each person stands for.  I know I'm guilty of it.  Ask me about the policies of the candidate I voted for, and I might be able to tell you a few, but not in-depth...These are things we should know. 
I don't anticipate finding a candidate to fit 100% of the things I agree with, but I then have to weigh up the information and decide what I can live with.
But voting for someone simply because they're Liberal or Labor in Australia, Republican or Democrat in America.. is like that blind faith agreement that leaves you exposed when "it" hits the fan.
The Religion vs. Relationship difference appears here - I want a dialogue, relationship with the candidate I'm voting for, because they represent me to the decision makers.  I don't a religion like rules situation, where they dictate to me what I should and shouldn't want..
At the previous elections for both Australia and America, I felt bombarded with "friends" attacking each other, and yes, I lost a few friends out of it.  I'm all for rigorous debating, but when it crosses the line into attacking individuals rather than what they've said, I won't stand for it.  It's good to be passionate about what you believe in, but extremism at any level leads only to hate, and hate leads to.. suffering..
and suffering leads to the dark side.

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