Saturday, June 8, 2013

That which offends...

It is beginning to blow my mind what offends people.. I, for days, simply copy and pasted what was in a Bible reading plan I was doing through my YouVersion app, and then had someone close to me question my motives..

My motives were clear.. The Bible says it, if we profess to be Christian we should do it.. I didn't post out to people in accusation, I simply posted it..

And people got offended.

A comment was made that "most people have worked hard to get where they are, and shouldn't be made to feel bad for that.." or words to that effect..

So let's look at one of the world's richest.. Gina Rinehart.  Inherited a mining empire, and yes she has worked to develop that empire.. But ultimately.. If it was all stripped away from her, could she do it again? What if it was her working for $2 an hour like the poor people in Africa, that she once said Australians should be prepared to work for the same wage?  And on children, her view is this.. Really? 

No one gets anywhere self made. Yes, hard work comes into it, but not everyone gets the fair reward for the effort they put in.  Some get abundantly more than they should, some get nothing..

And in my experience, those among the abundant crowd tend to forget quickly how they got there.. 

And those without very quickly understand the importance of community and reaching out.. Take time to understand the situation, and respond where they can..

So those without the means do the helping, and those with judge from afar and don't help.. Don't listen..  Don't really care..

I honestly don't know how many will continue reading this blog, as I have deactivated my Facebook account.  It was a decision I'd been working towards and this morning decided it was time.   But then this was about expressing how I feel.. The rest is up to you!

And to close.. A simple request.

Take stock of what offends you..

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