Saturday, May 25, 2013

That.. Mr. Anderson.. Is the sound of inevitability..

Why, oh why.. Did I choose the red pill?

So much is made of lives being the consequence of choice.   You make your choice, and deal with the consequences. Not choosing is choosing.  Choosing is choosing..

I didn't choose to get sick.  Neither did so many others.

I think hiding behind 'life is what you make it' serves nobody.  We say it to soothe ourselves when we should actually be stepping up as a community to help out.  We think it releases us of community responsibility to help in every way our fellow man, in whatever small way we can.

My Dad, at our wedding, said to everyone that 'no marriage should be an island', that we all have a responsibility to support what God has joined together. 

He passed away suddenly two weeks later.

I think he'd be disappointed to see what has become of the world. 

I'm fortunate to have a beautiful wife and a handful of great friends both locally and internationally..

But we live in a world where we will contribute to big causes and high profile events, while ignoring the day to day needs of people around us.

I have friends in Oklahoma affected by the tornado.  It has been heartwarming to see the community rally together, and particularly the church I've had connection with for some years,  I've seen their generosity in the day to day, so I don't question their heart motive in responding to the big situations.

On Monday I have to try and negotiate with a creditor because we've been behind on a bill and the health crisis only made it worse.  It's really the only bill that I can't negotiate my way out of.  I'm not really sure what I'm going to say.

I ask that people pray for favour and an answer... Because I know I don't have an answer myself..

(I am also going to look into adding ads to this blog on the off chance it might generate a few bucks to help out in future..  I hope folks don't mind! It's a brave new world out there!)

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