Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ever reaching.. Never reaching..

So the verdict is in..

No shave this week.

Platelet count = 147
Haemoglobin = 126

3 shy on platelets, 4 shy on haemoglobin.

That it has continued to progress is a good thing though, but as I stated yesterday - I've probably slept worse this week on a reduced dose of steroids than I did the week before..  The spleen pain is still there, but the stronger drugs are helping me to be a little more functional.. 

We've also sought help for our financial situation, and fell short there too.. It turns out trying to limit the damage by not having things like a credit card, and making the effort to stay on top of things mean we can't get the help we need.  It's frustrating to be this close to what should be a reasonable tax return to help us get back on top of things, but be facing disconnection of phone/internet...  And at this stage be utterly helpless to do anything about it..

I'm praying we get the answers on the counts we want next week.. Unfortunately I may not be able to let you know, without God-intervention in the mean time..

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