Saturday, January 12, 2013

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

2 years ago (okay, so a month shy of it, but hey, who's counting?!) I started this blog under title of .. life.. or something like it...  - the tone at the time was the question "is this living? or just something like it?" - a kind of pessimistic view of the world around me, and a place to vent frustrations that perhaps went longer than a Facebook status..

Time has passed, much has happened, a lot of it I haven't had time to blog about..  I came back to my long neglected blog, revamped some things and questioned within myself whether or not to change the title..  Find something more positive and uplifting, to fit in with the general disposition I find I have now.. And that's when it hit me - some things change, some evolve..  My view has evolved:

Are we really living?  Or just avoiding death?  Is this life, or just some pale reflection of all we can be?  

It's not all negative.  It's not all positive.  It's mostly realist..  With a new twist of optimism!

So much of what I used to accept as okay is no longer okay.  I'm determined this year to continue the growth started last year, having relocated back to the city and back to a Church where I met my beautiful wife, that has in itself gone on a journey over the last couple of years.  I can't begin to tell you how great it is to regularly be among people that have a passion to see people be the greatest they can be, and a Church whose theme for the year is "Equip and Release" - to equip people in their God given ministries, and release them into it.

Is social networking a God given gift?  Not sure.. But I'm looking forward to seeing where it takes me!

... Now to crank up some Freddy... ;)

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