Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ahead of the curve...

So I've often been the type that sees a new idea, likes it, lacks the resources to pursue, tries to promote the idea and eventually gets frustrated waiting for everyone else to catch up..

But here I go again!  Read an article today about Social HR, and moving forward what are the things that are going to matter - chief among those is personal branding and social media "clout".  

And to that end, I found http://klout.com .  An interesting concept, and one that some suggest could translate into a meaningful addition to Resumes.  

The best outcomes come when you hire the right person for the job, not the right skillset.  Anyone can tick the boxes, but only person's personality is right for the role.

I'm believing for that to be the journey of 2013.  Finding the right role..  And lifting my Klout score!!

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