Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Man's House Is His Castle!

I have a habit of being particularly rude to one group of people.  My wife lectures me about it every time it happens.  Admittedly I feel a little bad.. But at the same time.. In the comfort of my own home, I should be able to relax without uninvited interruption, right?

Yes, I'm talking about door knockers.  People who bring their business or religion to my front door.  I have a belief system, it's not yours, and I'm not going to be converted on my doorstep.  I'm happy with my energy supplier, and my telco.. And I'm quite capable of going to the shops and buying the home items I need..

I'm quite sure that 90% of the population is too.

I understand that these unfortunate people do it out of a misguided motivation.  Promises of Eternal reward for effort (cept my bible tells me that by faith we are saved, not by works, lest any man should boast.)  Overbloated commissions for convincing me that I'm clearly paying too much for my energy and should make a decision on the spot to change.

I frankly don't care.  I joined the dark side for one afternoon some time ago, and once I started realising that I was knocking on people's doors to sell a product I didn't believe in my system, when people were in their castles enjoying family meals..  I walked away, said I couldn't do it and that was that.  Had just enough change on me to catch the bus to where my car was and go home.  (copped a very unprofessional spray from the team leader too, but that's another story altogether!)

So yes.. I'm rude, but you've invaded my time and space for selfish gain, and I'm not about to approve of that by allowing you in.

And I'll wear the lectures from my wife about this too.. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Back in my job-seeking days, I did one day as a door-knocker, offering discount vouchers on behalf of a local retailer. It was commission only. I didn't last the whole day either.
