Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thirty and Thirsty..


Not old to some, too old to others.. But either way, a time for contemplation.

Not generally a time to be uplifting the family and moving 500k's, but that was what we felt God open the door to do, and hence we did it.  We've loved almost every minute of being up here.. And definitely believe that it was the right time and place for us to be here.

And then came the search for work.

Nothing saps my confidence more.  The system, as it stands, relies heavily on work history and previous experience.

But what if I truly think that no one has ever brought out all that I could be?  My history is a train wreck of failed opportunities.  Some I've failed at.  Some others have failed me.  But who is to blame is irrelevant.  They're failures.

And they don't define who I am.

I am a child of God.

I have a purpose.  I have skills.  I have innate talent that God has put in me and only me, for me to put into a life of giving back to Him, and to bless someone here on Earth with.

But like Zaccheaus, I need someone to come along and pull it out of me.  The best of me is in there somewhere.

And that's the mission for this year.  A year of Freshness, Faith and Favour.  A year to find my best life.  A year to come under the vision of the Church we attend, and learn how to put Jesus At The Centre, and when He is at the Centre, the rest of life will orbit it according to His plan.

And though I have walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.. For your rod and staff comfort me.. And you have prepared a table for me in the presence of my enemies.

I have enemies.  Sometimes I'm my own worst enemy.

But it's time for the table.. ;)

Bring it on!

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