Tuesday, October 9, 2012


ethicsplural of eth·ics (Noun)
  1. Moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior.
  2. The moral correctness of specified conduct.

The moral correctness of specified conduct. When I studied youth work, great discussions were had on the spectrum of behaviour that was either legally and morally wrong, legally wrong but morally right or legally right but morally wrong.. and it's that last one drawing my ire right now..

It seems it is now legal to advertise something that isn't available on the premise that one day it might be.  I've been sweet talked now by a number of companies that entice you to spend the time registering with their company and state they've got potential positions available.. But when push comes to shove, nothing's happening..

On that same vein, then, what's the difference in selling snake oil?

Oh that's right, we call that morally incorrect..

Selling hope to someone suffering is unethical.

Yet seems to be far more prevalent now than it ever was in the grifter's days!

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