Monday, May 7, 2012

Should the Church be involved in Social Media?

Ron Edmondson ( asked this question in a blog he wrote, and I commented as below..  Thought it worth sharing here..  Feel free to add your thoughts!

‎... So the master went away, and he entrusted 5 talents to one servant, 2 talents to another, and 1 to another.. the one who had 5 went away and made another 5.. the two went away and made another 2... but the one who was given one, buried it in fear...

And haven't we seen that evident in the advent of social media and the internet! We've buried our opportunity out of fear, when if effectively embraced, growth happens. The church I attend has a principle that we can belong before we believe - understanding that the journey to relationship in Christ doesn't happen as an event, but a process.. If we can connect where people are, and establish that relationship long before they darken the doors of a church, I believe people will develop a 24/7 faith, not a 9am Sunday faith.. ;) I also belong to an online Church from America, and I've formed relationships that have strengthened me in times of challenge, and that's all happened via social media..

And so the master took the one talent that the last servant had buried, and gave it to the one that had 10 talents, for those who are faithful with little will be given much, and those who have nothing will have what they have taken from them..

God wants us to reach the world with a message of love, truth and grace.. Those that don't take every opportunity to do that, will have the people they have taken by those that do.. 

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