Friday, April 8, 2011

The definition of normal.

I'm enjoying reading a back at the moment - "Weird (because normal isn't working)" by Craig Groeschel.  Weirdly, I'm also reading it on my phone through the Kindle for Android app, after paying for it through the Amazon website.  So much of that would go over the heads of some people I know.  But I love it..  I rarely ever open up a hard copy bible these days - its on my phone - have 4 different translations accessible offline, that fits in my pocket.

In recent times I've encountered the odd comment about the way I love social media - and not all of it positive.  I expose too much,  I vent, the connections I make aren't real - the people you speak to wouldn't drop everything to come over and pray for you or help meet another need.  Some points are valid, but only to an extent.

Is it weird that I disagree with all the negatives?  Not to some.  It comes down to.. do we really believe what we preach? Do we believe God is sovereign, omnipresent, powerful and in control..?  If some are to be believed, no, He isn't.  The fear and paranoia that social media and online churches attract is a great work of the enemy. 

Social media is an amazing tool for connection.  The negative events that have occurred have nothing to do with the tool, and everything to do with the individual.  The failure to utilise the tool is a failure to reach out into a lost world and complete the commission given by Jesus.  I find it no coincidence that churches that are growing have embraced the digital age.  It isn't all the contemporary worship services with rock bands and great speakers, but those who use whatever means they can to get the love of God out there.

So you have my discontent.  I'm not content to sit in a church that fails to take the relevant message to the ends of the earth because it fails to utilise whatever means necessary.


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